Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hiking at the Volcanoes

Well, Monkey fans. I guess life just took over for a while and the blog had been forgotten. We promise to again start updating and give you some glimpses into monkey life.

Today we offer a story narrated by the Monkey himself. So for the first time on this blog you can hear about monkey life straight from the monkey's mouth!

Let me start the narrative to set the stage, and then I will start recording the monkey's words. The volcanoes are just to the west of town, in fact the mesa they sit on is a composed of several lava flows which were emitted from them. They are long extinct, but you never know. You start your trip to the Black Volcano then take a turn to the north and approach the Vulcan. Ok, now the monkey...

 I am going up to a volcano. And, the volcano had lots of ash. And, but it wasn't active. And, I felt good! That's me, ok.
I saw some hot lava rocks. I went up to the top of a volcano, but it wasn't active. I went on a trail to the top of a volcano, that's what I was saying. No other words for that one, that's a lot of words.....that's a lot of words!
I saw some hot lava rocks, and the story is about when I went up to a volcano with my dada and I like the word about volcano!. I like the word volcano, and I like the hot lava rocks and brought some to school - but didn't share them because I forgot to bring them. Merry Christmas Everyone!

I am looking at something with the binoculars, but I don't remember though. But I do remember looking at the cars with the binoculars. Cool! Do you remember the airport we saw on the map? I saw that airport! It was really far away. And then I saw the cars.

We are almost on top of the volcano (Vulcan) looking out. They will just have to make up their own story for this one.
Back to Tim, monkey needs a break. This is a view from Vulcan south and east towards the Black and Ja Volcanoes. ABQ is just down in the valley to the left of the volcano. We were both impressed with the views of the city and constant stream of airplanes flying in to land at the Sunport. There is also a smaller airport just to the west of the volcanoes, which is what T was talking about in the previous.

We didn't go to the very tallest part of Vulcan because we were talking about the spirits, which were not very good and I thought they would start killing us off if we went to the top. (this is the monkey again) That's what I think. The spirits were trying to take over the land. They were just trying to the protect the land and take over other people's lands. The Indian spirits!. The spirits are nice but they are not happy when people come sneaking around there trying to kill their sisters and brothers. They will see alot of blood and bones, and they will say something strange is going on here. (this was all news to me)  I found a little lava arch, I saw that little arch first. It's some kind of little cave or some sorta of cave because you can go underground. You can go underground because its a little cavy thing. There is a lot of sand under there.
Making a little snow, van bam baby! Making a little snow, vam bam baby! (repeat this five times to the tune of Man the Mirror from Micheal Jackson) Making a little snowman baby! Making a little snowman Baby!! (t wanted this red)

 I like it, this was my last one baby. Big bam baby! So that Indians take over the land, take over the lan big bam baby! We could do yellow, can we make all the words red?

Ok, fans, that's it from the Monkey. This last one is Torben walking through a cut in Vulcan heading east towards the Sandia Mountains in the distance. We were asked not to climb to the top of the volcanoes because the Pueblos consider this rude, which brought up the topic of spirits. However, in our initial discussion, I certainly portrayed the spirits as more benevolent - but capable of becoming angry if you disrespect the sacred lands. This business about taking over, that was all fabricated in the monkey mind.

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